Well it's been a while since I've posted something new here... I've had a busy couple of weeks attending a workshop called "Get Out of Your Own Way" facilitated by the wonderful Jennifer Hough. Jennifer is a highly intuitive teacher, who really helps you get to the core of the obstacles you are creating that block you from reaching your goals whether they be health, financial, relationship, or any other goal. It's a very experiential course in an intimate and supportive group setting. And since health and vitality are about more than just what you eat or how much you exercise, today's article is all about the power of the mind in creating our experiences.
Most of us have become aware of the Law of Attraction (LoA), often referred to in pop culture circles as "The Secret." In a nutshell, LoA is a universal law that states that we draw to ourselves what we focus on. If we accept the premise that we, and everything in this world, are really just balls of energy in solid form - that everything has its own vibrational energy - and you understand that like attracts like, then you understand the premise of the LoA. We create our own reality by what we put our attention on, and the vibrational energy of that attention and the feeling that goes with it draws more of the same to us. So for example, if we focus on how much we hate our jobs, we won't notice the things that may be satisfying to us. We may notice that we want something different, but instead of focusing on the joyful possibility of it manifesting in our lives, we focus on the fact that we don't have it, and simply draw to ourselves the continuation of not having it.
If you've felt stuck in a situation for a long time, perhaps after several attempts to change it, but still finding yourself stuck, that is an indication that your focus has been on lack. If you're wondering what you are a "vibrational match" for, just look at what you have... that is what you've drawn into your life so far. The key to creating something different is to focus on what makes you feel good... create "good feelings" in yourself, and carry those with you throughout your day. This brings your energy to a new vibration and will draw to you things and situations that match the new vibration.
I know this sounds very Pollyanna. But consider that every feeling you have is the result of a thought. If you have a thought of "I'm not good enough" doesn't that change the way you interact with the world? From the actions you're willing to take to the opportunities you may choose to ignore, even the way you carry yourself and hold your head or make eye contact with others (or not) will all be affected by your thought that you're not good enough. You will continue to see evidence that you're not good enough. But these types of thoughts are so faulty. They tend to arise from experiences (often misunderstood) when we were so little and young and didn't have the capacity to question or be aware of other possibilities. And then, they persist, because they become a very well practiced habit. If you think all day long for 20 years "I'm not good enough" that tape will play on automatic every opportunity it has. So in the beginning we have to start addressing those automatic thoughts, and challenging them, and reminding ourselves that there are other possibilities that are just as valid, and that really feel so much better. And if they feel better, then THAT is the place we want to put our focus. The more we choose to place our attention on what feels good, the more things that make us feel good will come to us.
As Thanksgiving approaches here in Canada, now is a perfect time to start practicing generating positive good feelings through the practice of appreciation. Take a few moments to consider what (and who) you are so grateful for, and bask in the beauty and joy you are so lucky to have!
This is really just scratching the surface and is a very simplified explanation of the LoA. There is a lot of material out there that you can read (check out Jerry & Esther Hicks, for example) to get deeper into this. Or consider taking the Get Out of Your Own Way course to experience it at a deeper level. If anything about this resonates for you, or if you feel like you've been in your own way and whatever you've been doing so far hasn't been working, maybe it's time to try playing with this a little... What's the worst that can happen? You might just feel a little better for a while? Sounds like a good bet to me.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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