Monday, October 26, 2009

Satisfying your Sweet Tooth

No willpower when it comes to sweets? You are not alone! We all crave sweet foods. Here's why: our tongues have a large amount of sweet taste buds, and they demand to be satisfied. As well, highly sweet foods trigger reward centres in the brain, and create an automatic drive for them when triggered (by a taste of sweetness, or by places, people, activities, emotions, etc, that are associated with sweet foods). There can also be underlying factors (such as candida overgrowth) that can contribute to strong sugar cravings (a natural healthcare practitioner such as a Naturopathic Doctor or a Holistic Nutritionist can help you assess this, and prepare a personalized protocol to help you cleanse candida if it is a factor for you). So how can we satisfy a sweet tooth without resorting to a date with Oh Henry, Mr Big, or Ben & Jerry?

One strategy that works beautifully for my clients is, rather than focusing on removing sugary foods, focus on adding naturally sweet foods to their diets every day. Sweet buds become less demanding when they're getting their daily fix. So what are naturally sweet foods? Fruit, of course. Root veggies such as sweet potatoes and squash. And, surprise surprise: Grains! The longer you chew whole grains, they sweeter they taste, and they keep your blood sugar steady, and keep your gut-friendly bacteria happy too!

How else can we tame the Cookie Monster who lives within? After you've added sweet foods to your daily diet, look for ways to add sweetness to your life. We often settle for sweet foods when what we really want is a hug, a nap, a walk, or a laugh with a good friend. This is particularly true at night. If you find your sweet tooth consistently talking to you around 8 to 10pm, it may be rearing its head to cover up feelings of loneliness or anxiety. Or it may have become a habit to help you relax, or reward yourself after a long day. The next time your PM craving hits, ask yourself what you really, truly need. Then do your best to give it to yourself, and watch the sweet cravings fade away.

Wellness quick tip:
Sleep cures sugar cravings! Sound simplistic? It is, and it works! Check out how much sleep you're getting. If it's less than 8 hours a night, you may crave sugar (and caffeine) during the day to make up for the recharging sleep you missed. Start going to bed a half hour earlier each week until you're regularly waking up refreshed and watch your cravings disappear.

And don't forget, Spring is offering an informative workshop to learn more about how to Shake the Sugar Habit, this Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Click the link to learn more!

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