I have been purposely avoiding talking about the H1N1 (aka: Swine Flu) issue. I wanted to avoid feeding into the hype that has been created around this so-called "approaching pandemic." But by not addressing it, I'm not doing my part in representing the "alternative" view of this disease, so, here we go!
Did you know...This is not the first time there's been a panic about a Swine Flu pandemic? The first time was in 1976**. And similar to this time around, big-pharma companies quickly sprang into action to create a vaccine, and amidst all the hype and fear-mongering, got it on the market swiftly. The result? Following vaccination several hundred people - including healthy young people - developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome, ending up paralyzed and even paraplegics, and 25 people died. More people died from the Swine Flu Vaccine than died from the Swine Flu. And, in the end, the pandemic never developed.
Let's get some perspective. The "regular flu" has killed over 13,000 people in the US since January. The swine flu has killed 27. In Canada there have only been 4 deaths due to H1N1 and under 3000 total reported cases (you can get the latest stats
HERE). And while “[p]eople are easily infected as it is a novel virus and there is no immunity against it [and] it also spreads quicker than the seasonal flu (influenza),” says Dr Christopher Lee, consultant physician and head of infectious diseases at Sungai Buloh Hospital, it is also relatively mild virus, and is no more deadly than the regular flu.
So why all the hype? Well, I'm not one to usually buy into conspiracy theories, but the speed with which the pharmaceutical industry has responded to put a vaccine on the market just smacks of corporate greed. The media supports this by reporting sensational headlines; would they sell so many newspapers or get as many viewers for their advertisers were they to report that "well, someone else has recovered well from the swine flu, it was a great day in Swellsville."
As for the vaccine, it is controversial. Side effects include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Cough
Basically a mild version of the flu itself (not surprising since the whole premise of vaccination is to administer small doses of the infectious agent itself to stimulate an immune response). However, more serious side effects can include convulsions, delirium or delusions, and it has in fact resulted in deaths in children.
And the "proven results" it produces is really only a reduction in flu symptoms by 1.5 days. Doesn't seem worth the risk to me. Especially when there are other approaches I can take that can help me avoid catching this (or any) flu in the first place, and quicken my recovery if I should succumb to it. And, surveys and focus group reports are indicating that most health care workers won't accept the vaccination themselves... that's pretty telling.
The Alternative?Anything that will enhance our immune system will help us fight off any infection, including the H1N1 flu virus. Steps to boosting your immune system are:
Vitamin D - studies are showing that Vit D is a key nutrient in boosting immunity against all infections, and deficiency in this vitamin may be the real cause behind seasonal flus. Most people in Canada in the non-summer months are deficient in this vitamin unless they supplement with it. You can get your levels checked through a simple blood test.
Avoid/reduce your intake of sugar and processed foods - these have an almost immediate effect of weakening the cells that fight viruses.
Get enough rest - your body needs sleep to recover and repair from the day's stresses and strains. During sleep is also when your body does its detoxifying. Without adequate rest, your body and all its systems become run down, overburdened, and sluggish and immunity will be compromised.
Exercise! The lymph system, which is integral to the immune system, removes foreign cells and proteins, and stores cells that help destroy foreign invaders. The system does not have a pump to help circulate the lymph fluid that transports these , like the circulatory system does, so it requires mechanical effort for its proper function. The contraction of muscles during activity accomplishes this.
Wash your hands well and often - don't think I need to say anything about this!
Eat lots of garlic! Garlic has natural antiviral properties
Eat good sources of fats, especially those high in Omega 3 (such as flax), monounsaturated sources (such as Olive Oil or avocado), and Coconut Oil which in addition to providing a healthy source of saturated fat also has antibacterial, antiviral, and immune boosting properties as well. All of these fats help to support cellular structure and integrity.
Drink your water! It helps flush toxins out of the body and keeps the metabolism strong (metabolism refers to ALL body reactions, not just the rate of caloric burn).
Eat your protein - this stimulates the immune system and antibodies are a form of protein in the body, so amino acids from your protein are critical to fighting infection.
Important vitamins for the immune system include: Vit A, B6, B12, E and C
Important minerals include: Zinc, Iron, Copper, and Selenium
Herbs that can help boost the immune system include: echinacea, goldenseal, ginseng, and licorice
There are LOTS of ways to keep your body healthy and strong. They require proactive efforts, and making yourself a priority. It's always your choice though... My view is that you can make time for health now, or for illness later....our choices do have a way of catching up on us. The benefit of choosing health is not just the absence of illness, but the energy, vitality, vigour, and joy that results from the cumulative effects of small changes that add up. It doesn't have to be hard, just choose to make one change toward health each week, and before you know it, you'll be realizing how much better you're feeling... and maybe you'll even look back next spring on this winter and realize that you managed to avoid the cold and flu season altogether. Wouldn't that be worth it?
A little comic relief: Make Your Own Flu Vaccine! **actually the first time was in 1918 when it was known as the Spanish Flu.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/04/28/Swine-Flu.aspx http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/6/28/focus/4214386&sec=focus